What colors are on your palette?

The palette itself is a glass sheet (from second hand photo frame) sitting on an MDF plate.

I use the following pigments, put out in this order on my palette: 1) titanium white, 2) scheveningen yellow lemon (a greenish yellow), 3) cadmium yellow deep, 4) scheveningen red light, 5) alizarin crimson lake extra (alizarin permanent) 6) dioxazine mauve, 7) ultramarine blue deep, 8) transparent oxide red, 9) scheveningen green, 10) sap green lake extra, 11) wijnranken black or paynes gray (barely ever use this, only for some very dark thin lines). This is a more or less full-spectrum palette, ie you can mix all colors in all saturations (as far as allowed by available pigments). Once in a while I use scheveningen blue (phtalocianine blue) for some blue/greenish colors if I can't mix them (often some tones in the color of the sky.)

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